Find Peace

Through Meditation and Self-Knowledge

Throughout the ages, enlightened teachers have been rare and highly valued for their wisdom and ability to guide us to a more fulfilled life. Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi teaches from the authority of personal experience, with an exceptional ability to communicate essential spiritual truths in a clear and relevant way. He encourages everyone to meditate and become aware of how they exist as the immortal Self and to find lasting peace within themselves.

Meditation produces many benefits, but perhaps the greatest is its ability to create peace and contentment. We obtain peace when our mind is quiet. Peace and well-being are the ultimate goals of life. To be lasting, peace must be based on something permanent, and for this, Self-Realization is necessary.

Knowledge can inspire and direct our actions; however, it is incapable of silencing the mind. Meditation is the ancient methodology used for this purpose. Only when the mind becomes quiet is the truth of the perceiving awareness revealed as our Self.

SRBY Teachings

Baba is a masterful teacher who generously shares the wisdom of Self-Realization with all who wish to learn.

Practice Meditation with a True Master

Join Shiva Rudra Balayogi on ZOOM for online group meditation. You are invited to learn and practice the meditation Baba and His Guru used for Self-Realization. Meetings with Baba consist of meditation instruction, meditation, and an opportunity to ask questions regarding Self-realization, spirituality, meditation, and the art of finding peace and happiness within ourselves. You may attend any portion of the meeting.

Click the register link to be notified of each event:

  • Saturday Meditation / Q&A with Baba – Weekly
  • Sunday Meditation / Q&A with Baba – Bi-weekly
  • Thursday Mediation / Q&A with Baba – Bi-weekly

Register for Invitation to Attend Zoom Meditations and Q&A with Baba

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the practice of applying our attention to quiet the mind. The method of meditation Baba teaches is Jangama Dhyana (Meditation on Eternal Existence). It involves focusing the attention on the space between our eyebrows. It is a technology used for thousands of years to bring fulfillment to life by silencing the mind and becoming aware of our Self as Pure Consciousness. Anyone who practices this meditation with dedication, discipline, and patience will experience greater peace and well-being in life.

“You are not the “I” you have imagined.

When the “I” dissolves, what remains is the
Pure Supreme Consciousness of Existence, and that is who you truly are.”

~ Baba

Who Am I?

You Are More Than You Imagine

No one has to be convinced they exist; it is self-evident. Yet rarely do people experience themselves simply as Consciousness, free of all thought and imagination. Our fundamental nature is Consciousness. It is the one thing with us our entire lives, without which we would have no knowledge of our existence or of the world around us. The sense of existence, our awareness of existing, is not a thought; it’s a fundamental reality.

Usually, our attention is occupied by what is present in the mind. Through thinking and the power of imagination, Consciousness has misidentified itself, believing itself to be what appears in the mind. Everything present in the mind is constantly changing and momentary. A primary source of insecurity and suffering in life is misidentification of our Self, believing ourselves to be merely a body with feelings, thoughts, visions, and ideas. In so doing, Pure Consciousness has temporarily lost awareness of its Self as the silent witness to life.

In deep meditation, thinking recedes. With the mind becoming silent, the Self is revealed as non-changing, pure awareness. Baba has said that you can make all thoughts and visions vanish, but you cannot make your Self, the Consciousness of Existence, disappear. It may appear abstract, but in reality, the knowledge we exist is the only thing we know with absolute certainty.

You, as the Consciousness of Existence, are much more than you imagine. Meditate and discover supreme peace and fulfillment within your Self.

“People are suffering because they are unaware of the
liberating Truth of who they are.”

~ Shiva Balayogi

“You are not the “I” you have imagined.

When the “I” dissolves, what remains is the
Pure Supreme Consciousness of Existence, and that is who you truly are.”

~ Baba

Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi Just Watch Meditating

“You are not the “I” you have imagined.

When the “I” dissolves, what remains is the
Pure Supreme Consciousness of Existence, and that is who you truly are.”

~ Baba

Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi Just Watch Meditating

“You are not the “I” you have imagined.

When the “I” dissolves, what remains is the
Pure Supreme Consciousness of Existence, and that is who you truly are.”

~ Baba

Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi Just Watch Meditating

“You are not the “I” you have imagined.

When the “I” dissolves, what remains is the
Pure Supreme Consciousness of Existence, and that is who you truly are.”

~ Baba