3.99 minutes | Start Timecode 21:36
Fulfillment and the Realization of the Self: Beyond Worldly Desires
In this dialogue, Baba explains that after Self-realization, worldly desires and experiences contribute nothing to the true Self. Matter cannot affect infinity, and once Self-realized, the mind’s imaginations appear unreal. The realized being constantly perceives the Self, recognizing that fulfillment is achieved not through external additions but through inner completeness.
The Divine Mother: Exploring Meditation and the Journey to Self-Realization – Q&A with Babaji,
No.190 Recorded on 12 May 2024 with US participants
Do you attain such a level of fulfillment that there’s just nothing the mind or the world can contribute to up that. You know, normally, we think of acquiring another dollar or another experience or something. The mind’s always looking for something a little greater. But I can see getting to a point where there’s nothing that can be added. It’s full. It’s completely full.
Definitely, two points about this. The world cannot contribute anything to the real Self, because matter cannot get in touch or give anything to infinity. For matter, infinity is just nothing. Like for matter, space appears to be void, just nothing. It has nothing to contribute. For the existence of space, even if (matter) disappears, space will always be there the same way. So even if this world disappears, the Self will be there in its own existence. It doesn’t need anything else for its existence. This body needs for its existence. If the body doesn’t get food, even if it’s a Yogi’s body, it will get dropped, but nothing will happen to me. But others, students might lose (or miss out), who are able to listen to me through this body, ask question and get the answers, and get guidance, inspiration, or some love, something that they will feel as there own. Some anchor, as you are telling. If there is somebody to watch me, that can give (them) a lot of satisfaction, the mother’s concept, like that. Today, so many greetings have come (from people) who would consider me as a mother? “You are our mother, Babaji. You are our father. You are everything”, like that. Several emails and WhatsApp messages have come, for them, for their sake, this (guru) is there. But the world will not make any difference to me. It will make a difference to this body, because this body is also a matter amongst the world.
So it’s kind of the reverse. Before you are Self Realized, you might imagine the state of nirvikalpa samadhi, as a state of nothing, just empty void. But once you have attained that, you look at what’s in the mind, all the imaginations, as unreal.
Absolute or zero, both our imaginations. It is simply there, simply being there.
So Baba, do you see what appears on the screen (of Consciousness) after Self Realization, does it (that) also seem like it’s absolute. Do forms and thoughts have a quality of being just absolute or
At all times, only that absolute is visible, because that is what we are aware of all the time. We see the Self. Like when we talk to others, we always see the Self. Sometimes it’s funny, the same Self is talking some nonsense here and talking some nonsense there. Or, “What is this? What is that?” It is the same Self. Same Self is there and it troubles the same self. Um, it’s amazingly funny. (28:44)
So it’s like seeing a white wall, the entire wall, instead of just seeing dots on the wall. Before you see only the dots, you don’t see the wall.
That is visible. The Atman is visible.