2:49 minutes | Start timecode 23:03
Anyone Can Practice Meditation
You will become an expert one day, if you practice. Ideally adopt a particular time for meditation each day so you develop the habit of practicing daily.
Babaji: Even if it is the worst inert type of person who has no wisdom at all, zero percent, by practicing, practicing, practicing, the intelligence develops in him. By practicing again and again, working out such things, working out exercises. So, you become an expert when you work out yoga asanas repeatedly, no? That type of thing is recommending, that is the effect of practice. Don’t worry if it’s not happening today when you sit for meditation, it will have to. You will become an expert one day, if only you practice. If only you are not abrupt and in a rush. Patience, repeatedly practice that. Practice that one. So, then you can have.
Ambaji: Baba, do you recommend a specific time, means every day onto the specific time you practice?
Babaji: Yes. For a specific reason, my Guru used to tell, you can take out any convenient time. What He meant means, if you have adopted a way of life, if at a particular time you are unable to take out and sit down, for that reason, giving an excuse, there is no need that you don’t practice meditation. You should practice. Take out any convenient time. From God’s side, there is no rule. However, I would recommend, if possible, take a particular time because the brain sucks you back. It makes you restless. At that time, if you are used to eating, you will feel hungry, you become restless. If you are habitual to do a certain thing at that time, if you don’t do it, you will become restless. You would like to do it again, do it again, that’s what. So, if possible, adopt one particular time so that you are done. Six fifteen you have to sit early morning, six fifteen you will be drawn anywhere. Even if you are on the bed, if you are in the bathroom, if you are anywhere, you will come rushing and running, “Oh, the Master might be there, I need to go and sit down”. So that discipline is there, then you will do it. You won’t give up one day, “Oh today let me not.” One day you give up, Swamiji has told “You will go back seven days”, means your habits to practice, that gets curtailed, that goes down. Your enthusiasm also goes down, you are likely to become casual, and from casualness to laziness, and then you don’t do it and, “Let us see, next year when we come for the retreat, at that time, seriously I will practice.” So one year simply has gone by.