Questions & Answers with Baba
This profound Q&A session with Baba delves into the concept of Divine Mother, explaining the symbolic significance of Hiranyagarbha (the golden womb) as the source of all creation.
To achieve inner peace and self-realization, focus first on calming the mind. Begin by practicing one hour of complete mental stillness, without imagination or external distractions.
Babaji emphasized that our suffering stems from identifying with the body and mind rather than understanding our true Self. He explained that to realize the Self, we must silence the mind, which is preoccupied with thoughts and imaginations.
Baba discusses the significance of meditation in gaining one's true identity and overcoming the obstacles to gaining Self-Realization.
Shift focus from worldly thoughts to the Self for true meditation, achieving self-realization by paying attention without engaging thoughts.
Discussions with Shiva Rudra Balayogi on spiritual growth, consciousness, and the true nature of the Self.
The Mind and its Imaginations | In Quest of Truth - Q&A, No.164 Recorded on 28 January 2024 with US participants.
Thus Spake Babaji, Online Q&A, No.169 – ‘Consciousness, the Mind and Meditation’. Recorded on 14 January 2024 for US participants
A series of Q&As filmed at the Shivabalayogi Devarayasamudram Ashram in South India during a meditation retreat with Shri Babaji over the course of 10 days.
Baba discusses the importance of recognizing one’s true identity beyond the physical body to achieve eternal existence.
Discussions with Shiva Rudra Balayogi on meditation, self-awareness, and recognizing the Self as the source of creation and true freedom.