Peace & Fulfillment
For peace in the world, there must be peace in our minds.
In the context of meditation, the word peace means much more than the absence of conflict and turmoil. It represents the highest possible human achievement. Baba has said, “Supreme Peace is beyond bliss”. It is something that has to be experienced to be understood. Prior to the mind becoming completely still, a nearly unimaginable feeling of Bliss and Freedom may be experienced, but Supreme Peace is beyond that.
Meditation has many benefits, but perhaps the greatest is its ability to create peace within ourselves and fulfillment in life. We obtain peace when our mind is quiet. Peace and well-being are the ultimate goals of life, knowledge, wealth, and power. For peace to be permanent, it must be based on something that does not change; for this, Self-Realization is necessary.
Finding Inner Peace & Happiness
Discover Who You Are as the Immortal Soul
Discovering that we are the perceiving Consciousness, rather than our thoughts, is life-transforming. For the mind to remain at peace, it must realize this truth through direct experience, which is the essential purpose of meditation and the goal of spirituality. With dedication, discipline, and patience, meditation can lead to Self-discovery, which results in the mind being content and at peace at all times. Self-Realization takes time and earnestness, but the benefits of calming the mind begin on the first day of a regular meditation practice. It is not humanly possible to control all events in life, but it is possible to bring the mind under control and find peace within ourselves.
A busy mind that refuses to settle down is not a new problem; however, it is certainly exacerbated by modern living. In today’s world, regular meditation practice is essential for a happy, stress-free life. We can make the body sit, but making the mind come to rest is a different story. Even when thinking is not required, the mind continues to run, playing memories of the past and imagining the future. Seldom is our mind at peace in the present moment. Chronic habitual thinking is unproductive, saps our energy, and leads to stress and anxiety. Meditation is an ancient technology for quieting the mind and living peacefully in the moment.
Baba has said, “This world will not let anyone remain at peace for long.” Everything acquired or experienced is finite and impermanent by nature, including our own bodies. So, how can the mind find lasting peace and happiness in the world?