What is the purpose of human existence?
Babaji Maharaj explains that the purpose of human existence is to use our developed intellect to realize our true Self, which is beyond physical needs and dualities like happiness and suffering. Spirituality involves understanding the impermanence of worldly things and finding peace within, independent of external circumstances, through meditation and humility.
Question: So, Baba, what’s the purpose of existence, of human existence?
Babaji Maharaj: Human existence is that you have a well-developed brain through which you can discriminate, understand certain facts so that you put an effort and go back to your real Self. Here, if we want to go back to real Self means it is not hiding anywhere behind the Moon or Jupiter or Neptune; it is you who is here. So, like that you have to analyze and understand. This brain helps in thinking. Once you slowly start meditating, then your understanding will come from within. So, that is the purpose of the human. Once in a life cycle opportunity is there, so that you can realize your real Self, you can pay attention to your real Self as the eternal entity, and you can remain in yourself at peace. Because you will also realize, that You that is the Ultimate Truth does not need anything for its existence, does not need anything for its Supreme Peace. It itself is the Peace. So, does not need anything for its operations, nothing. Whereas you see, the moment we are born in this body, we need everything; we need oxygen, we need some milk, we need to be fed. Like that throughout, and seventy years still we are struggling; we need to feed this body. Needs are there for the body. The maximum also if I have renounced, still it is not possible to renounce the food taking, not possible to renounce the body itself, then I won’t be able to teach. It will go one day, but we don’t have to worry. But whereas the real Self, no such things, no need of anything and nobody’s certificate is needed for that also. It simply exists in Itself.
Question: So, Baba, spirituality then is basically trying to discover, move beyond the world of dualities, the world of our mind which is always going to be either peace and happiness or fear and suffering. So, the idea, maybe when it is peace and happiness you are not so interested in moving beyond, but if there is peace and happiness today, sooner or later it is going to be suffering; there is awful lot of suffering in the world. But what You are talking about, spirituality is just a virtue that you can arise above that, that you in fact are above that, but somehow you have your head in the clouds and you don’t see it.
Babaji Maharaj: Exactly, it alerts you cannot depend on this world or your body because it is all impermanent for your peace and happiness. A certain thing which is impermanent, how can it give you a permanent happiness? That is all. If you depend on this body, today I can give you some teaching, tomorrow this body may not be there to give any teaching. So that side by side, like the gallery and the speaker go side by side some time, the same way you have to meditate also, go on meditating so that you also achieve one day. “Before the body shall go,” that is what Krishna tells. “Arjuna, before death shall claim thee, there is one opportunity. Go to the knowers of truth. With all humility, paying reverence, sit at Their lotus feet, seeking Their permission.” All protocols are also explained. Not that you just go to a Realized person and ask Him to tell you about everything, not that way. There needs to be some humility, need to have reverence, protocol. Like if you go to meet an emperor or a prime minister or a president, you may have to follow such protocol. The same way you go to the Guru, sitting at the lotus feet, seeking the permission of the Master, then ask with intelligent questions. Then when the Master teaches you, adopting such methods, achieve that truth to yourself.